Unit 1

hook 魚鉤, paper airplane 紙飛機, laminate 護貝, cut out 裁剪, color in 著色, bell 鈴, CPR 心肺復甦術, salad 沙拉, exercise 運動, 

Unit 2

parking area 停車區, dance 舞蹈, vocalist 聲樂家, scouting 童軍活動, ballerina 芭蕾舞者, pencil case 鉛筆盒, karate 空手道, newspaper 報紙, bulletin board 布告欄

Unit 3

badminton 羽球, water dispenser 飲水機, measure 測量, Origami 摺紙, coach 教練, magnet 磁鐵, height 身高, broom 掃帚, tear-off calendar 可撕式日曆

remote control 遙控器,  air conditioner 冷氣, observe 觀察(課), textbook 教科書、課本, curtain 窗簾, wipe 擦拭, cleaning cloth 抹布, sink 洗手台, laptop 筆電

worksheet 學習單, take a nap 午睡, TV screen 電視螢幕, raise your hand 舉手, long jump 跳遠, test 考試, air quality 空氣品質, end of the school day 放學, check out 借書

wash your hands 洗手, hula hooping 搖呼拉圈, soccer 足球, jump rope 跳繩, track team 田徑隊, high jump 跳高, seesaw 蹺蹺板, Christmas 聖誕節, potted plant 盆栽

shot put 推鉛球, rake 耙, cleats 釘鞋, mop 拖地, volleyball 排球, violin 小提琴, tee-ball 樂樂棒球, contest 比賽, award presentation 頒獎典禮

school lunch 營養午餐, marathon 馬拉松, agility ladder 繩梯, recorder 直笛,