Jhonehe Elementary School marked its anniversary on December 3rd, 2022 with a festive day of events. Students put on a range of performances, including singing and dancing, to celebrate the occasion. In addition to the shows, there were also fun games and running races for students to take part in.

Teachers, students, and parents all had a great time spending the day together and enjoying the sense of community that the celebration brought. The event was a huge success, and everyone left feeling happy and inspired by the talent and hard work of the students.

2022 年 12 月 3 日

中和國小於 舉行了校慶活動慶祝其週年紀念日。 學生們進行了一系列表演,包括唱歌和跳舞,以慶祝這一時刻。 除了表演節目,還有趣味遊戲和賽跑等活動讓學生們參與其中。

老師、學生和家長都度過了愉快的一天,享受慶祝活動帶來的社區感。 活動取得了巨大的成功,每個人都為學生們的才華和努力而感到高興和鼓舞。