Shot put is a sport where people throw a heavy ball. 推鉛球是一種運動,選手必須將很重的球投擲出去。

The students are practicing shot put. 同學們正在練習推鉛球。

Tee-ball is a game similar to baseball. 樂樂棒是類似棒球的一種運動。

The girl hits the tee-ball with a bat.- 這個女孩用球棒擊球。

The agility ladder helps with your speed. 繩梯幫助你提升速度。

The students move through the agility ladder quickly. 同學們快速移動通過繩梯。

The long jump is a popular field event. 跳遠是田賽很普遍的項目。

The students are practicing the long jump at school. 同學們正在學校練習跳遠。

Soccer is a very popular sport. 足球是很受歡迎的運動。

The students are having a lot of fun playing soccer. 同學們正享受踢足球的樂趣。

A marathon is a very long race that takes a lot of time to run. 馬拉松是耗時很長的一種賽跑。

The students are training for an upcoming marathon. 同學們正在為即將到來的馬拉松比賽做訓練。

The PE teacher is showing his students how to play volleyball. 體育老師正在指導學生如何打排球。

The students are practicing serving  the volleyball. 同學們正在練習發球。

The track team practices every morning. 田徑隊每天早上練習。

The track team's coach trains and prepares the students for track meets. 


The high jump takes a lot of practice. 跳高需要很多練習。

The high jump is a fun event to watch. 跳高是很好看的賽事。

The coach gives regular training sessions to the school's track team. 教練定期給學校的田徑隊訓練課。

The coach is teaching the students how to do a high jump. 教練正在教學生如何跳高。

The students are practicing badminton in PE.  學生在體育課練習羽毛球。

The students take turns working on their badminton skills. 學生輪流練習他們的羽毛球技術。