Word of the Day 中和每日一字

The nurse is measuring the students' heights. 護理師正在量學生的身高。

The students step onto the scale to measure their weights. 同學們站上體重計測量體重。

You can fill your water bottle at the water dispenser. 你可以在飲水機將水裝到水瓶。

The water dispenser has cold, warm, and hot water. 飲水機有冷水、溫水與熱水。

The school displays information and students' work on their bulletin board. 學校在佈告欄展示資訊和學生的作品。

The nurse is putting up a poster on the bulletin board. 護理師正將海報貼到佈告欄。

The nurse is measuring the students' heights. 護理師正在量學生的身高。

The students step onto the scale to measure their weights. 同學們站上體重計測量體重。

The teacher is measuring students' heights. 老師正在測量學生的身高。

Students need to sit in chairs and desks that are suitable for their heights. 學生需要坐合適身高的椅子和桌子。

The student tears a page off the tear-off calendar. 這個學生從日曆上撕下一張日曆紙。

The girl is trying to find the date of the Lantern Festival on the tear-off calendar. 這個女孩在日曆上找元宵節在哪一天。

The teacher is attaching a poster to the blackboard with magnets. 老師正在用磁鐵將海報貼到黑板上。

The student is attaching some information to the board using magnets. 學生正在使用磁鐵將一些資訊貼到公告欄上。

Origami is a fun way to make things out of paper, like animals and flowers. 摺紙是用紙摺出像是動物或是花朵的有趣活動。

The students are making origami frogs. 學生們正在摺紙青蛙。

The students are reading a newspaper to learn about current events.


They also improve their reading abilities by reading newspapers.


The students wipe the windows and the doors to keep the classroom clean. 同學們擦拭門窗以保持教室乾淨。

The boys are wiping the food cart before lunch. 男孩們在午餐前擦拭餐車。

During the morning cleaning time, students grab a broom to clean their classroom. 早上打掃時間,學生拿起掃帚打掃教室。

The girls are sweeping the staircase with a broom. 女孩們正在用掃帚打掃樓梯。

A cleaning cloth is a piece of fabric that is used for cleaning or wiping. 抹布是一塊用來清潔或擦拭的布。

The students are wiping their desks with cleaning cloths. 這些學生正在用抹布擦桌子。

Wash your hands at the sink before you eat lunch. 在你吃午餐前要在洗手台洗手。

The students are washing the dirty cleaning cloths in the sink. 學生在洗手台洗髒抹布。

The students are mopping the floor at school. 同學們在學校拖地。

When the students are finished mopping, they hang the mops on the mop hanger to dry. 當他們拖地結束後,將拖把掛在拖把架上瀝乾。

The students are raking leaves at school.

A girl uses a rake to rake the leaves. 一個女孩用耙子耙樹葉。

When it's too dark in the classroom, we can open the curtains. 教室太暗的話可以打開窗簾。

Before the teacher shows a video, she has the students close the curtains. 老師在播放影片之前請學生拉上窗簾。

The teacher is handing out new textbooks to the students. 老師正在發新的課本。

Students are excited to get their new textbooks. 同學拿到新的課本很興奮。

Some teachers are in the back of the classroom observing the class  有些老師在教室後面觀課。

Teachers improve their teaching skills by observing others' classes. 老師藉由觀課來提昇自己的教學技巧。

There is an air conditioner in every classroom. 每間教室都有一台冷氣。

The student turns on the air conditioner to keep the classroom cool. 這位同學打開冷氣讓教室保持涼爽。

You can turn on the air-conditioner with the remote control. 你可以用遙控器打開冷氣機。

Turn up the air-conditioner with the remote control if it's too hot. 如果太熱可以用遙控器將冷氣溫度調低一點。

There is a laptop in every classroom. 每個教室都有一台筆電。

The student turns on the laptop. 這位學生正在開筆電。

The teacher is handing back students' worksheets to them. 老師將學習單發回給學生。

The students are turning in their worksheets to their teacher. 學生將學習單交給老師。

After lunch, students take a nap at school. 午餐後,學生睡午覺。

Some students read a book instead of taking a nap after lunch. 有些學生看書而不睡覺。

Some teachers use a big TV screen to present materials to their students in the classroom. 有些老師在教室用大的電視螢幕呈現教材給學生看。

There is a big TV screen behind the blackboard. 黑板後面有一個大型的電視螢幕。


Raise your hand if you have a question. 如果你有問題可以舉手發問。

Raise your hand if you need to go to the bathroom. 如果你需要上廁所可以舉手。

The teacher hands out the test papers to her students. 老師發考卷給學生。

The students take the test quietly at their desks. 同學們在自己的座位上安靜地考試。

The students turn in their test papers. 同學們繳交試卷。

Some of the students are serving the school lunch to their classmates. 有些學生幫同學打菜。

The children are eating their school lunch at their desks. 小朋友在自己的座位上吃營養午餐。

The students enjoy hula hooping during their recess.同學們喜歡在下課期間搖呼拉圈。

Hula hooping is a great way to get some exercise and have fun at the same time. 搖呼拉圈是個很好的運動,同時也是很好玩的活動。

The students check out books from the library at recess. 同學們利用下課到圖書室借書。

After the librarian checks out the students' books, they can take them home to read. 向圖書館員辦理借閱手續後,同學們可以將書帶回家看。

At the end of the school day, the students put away their books and clean their desks. 放學時,學生收拾書本與清理桌子。

At the end of the school day, students can't wait to go home. 放學時,同學迫不及待要回家。

Watch out for students crossing the road. 當心正在過馬路的學生。

Crossing guards stop traffic to let students cross the street safely. 交通導護阻擋車輛讓學生安全過馬路。

The school holds many different contests for students to participate in. 學校舉辦很多不同的比賽讓學生參加。

The students compete in a calligraphy contest. 同學們參加書法比賽。

At the award presentation, the school's principal is giving out certificates of recognition to students. 在頒獎典禮中,校長將獎狀發給學生。

The students get a prize at the award presentation. 同學們在頒獎典禮中得到獎品。

The students are learning to play the recorder.


Each student is practicing with a recorder.


Jump rope is a good way to stay active and healthy.


The students enjoy playing jump rope at recess.


We like to care for my potted plants and watch them grow. 我們喜歡照顧盆栽並且看著它們成長。

Arranging potted plants is a relaxing activity. 盆栽造型設計是一個可以令人放鬆的活動。

It's important to wash your hands after using the bathroom. 上完廁所後洗手市很重要的。

Make sure to wash your hands with soap and water before eating. 確定在吃東西之前要用洗手乳和水來洗手。

The school shows a flag every morning to tell students about the air quality. 學校每天早上會掛旗子告訴學生當天空氣品質。

The teacher is taking out a yellow flag to show that the air quality is okay. 這位老師拿出黃旗表示空氣品質普通。

I go down the slide. 我從溜滑梯上滑下去。

I have fun on the slide. 我喜歡玩溜滑題。

If a player knows the answer, he or she rings the bell to let the teacher know. 如果選手知道答案,他可以按鈴讓老師知道。 The player who rings the bell first gets to tell the teacher the answer. 按鈴的選手可以先跟老師說出答案。

To play on the seesaw, two people sit on opposite ends and take turns going up and down.

- The kids are having fun playing on the seesaw. 小朋友在蹺蹺板上玩得很快樂。

Our school  has a Christmas party where we play games. 我們學校有聖誕慶祝活動讓學生玩遊戲。

The students dance together to celebrate Christmas. 同學們跳舞慶祝聖誕節。

In this game, each player has a fishing rod with a hook at the end. 


The players have to use the hooks to grab drawings of different animals. 


Teacher Shane shows the students how to fold paper airplanes. 


The kids get to throw their paper airplanes and watch them glide in the air. 


The students are using machines to laminate their art.


After they laminate the drawings, their art will be protected by sheets of plastic. 


The kids carefully cut out their animal drawings. 


They use scissors to cut out their drawings. 


The students use pencils to draw animals, and then they color them in


They use markers to color in their drawings. 


CPR is a procedure that can save someone's life if their heart stops beating. 


CPR isn't only useful for adults to learn; kids can learn and perform CPR, too. 


The students are gathering vegetables for a salad.


Many people enjoy eating different types of salad


Morning exercise is a good way to start the day.


Students do different moves for about ten minutes for their exercise.


The school has a parking area for bikes and scooters.


The parking area let you park your bike or scooter in the shade.


These students are performing a dance


They are doing this dance at a public event. 


The singer is a vocalist.


The vocalist is singing a classic song. 


Scouting is an activity for young people. 


Scouting teaches you to work together. 


People who do ballet are called ballerinas


The ballerinas show the students different dance moves. 


Get out your pencil case


 Take out your pencil. 


Take out your eraser. 


Take out your pen. 


Take out your ruler.


Karate is a type of martial art from Okinawa, Japan. 


The students are striking the karate pads. 


Cleats are a shoe with spikes on the bottom. 


The students are taking off their shoes and putting on their cleats


The violin is a string instrument. 


The students are practicing the violin at school. 


The school holds many different contests for students to participate in. 


The students compete in a calligraphy contest
